Hi. This is Miss Greeter. She is an Avatar greeter for clubs shops offices and malls. 100 percent mesh and just 2 LI
• Greets avatars in a 20 metre radius.
• Random hi / hello / hi there / howdy greeting.
• Greets avatars by their display name.
• Greets avatar briefly as hovertext ,
• Greets avatar in local chat.
• Greets avatar in an audible female voiced "Hello''
1 hour timeout between individual avatar greeting to prevent frequent visitor spam
Yes copy, 2 LI and see inworld
UPDATE: Now includes a greeter with an LM giver - click for landmark. Note DELETE my LM and put own LM in before one starring me :)
See item in Second Life- yes copy
Love Miss Greeter!
We have used Miss Greeter and Landmark Giver in two locations and she works just great! Her friendly "Hello" is just right and even states the name of the person she greets in Local chat: https://gyazo.com/309eb2a6ab6efdd9202e77dc45644606 Well done and thanks very much for this very helpful product Rasterscan's Goodies Store ♥
its fake produt dont buy and waste your money
it do not greet me nor given landmark of my sim giving some random idiotic location its cheat product guys wasted my money