1 LI 3Dimensional Privacy Screen - OPQ Strawberry Guava 01 Screen 8

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1 LI
32x2x10 m
48 trees
Very low lag

We're not too fond of privacy screens at OPQ. They can be neccessary sometimes but they tend to look rather flat. So we thought we could do better.

Rather than a single flat sheet, an OPQ Privacy Screen 8 has eight pannels criss-crossing each other. It's only 2 m deep (and you can reduce it to even les if you want to) so it doesn't take up much space but it still gives a nice 3D effect that simply isn't possible with traditional privacy screens. It's a lott less laggy too, with fewer triangles than a prim, more efficient texture us and alpha masking.

The screen is 32 m long, exactly the size of one side of a standard 1024 m2 parsel, and 10 m tall but since it's fully modifiable, you can resize it to any size you like. (Special tip: increase the depth to a few meters and you get a fairly decent landfiller background forest as a bonus). With some basic uilding skills, you can also retexture it with other tree textures, even combine up to eight different ones on the same screen.

Technical data:
Land Impact: 1
Faces: 8
Vertices: 72
Triangles: 40
Render Cost: 469(!)
VRAM: 1024 KB

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  • Low land impact
  • Low lag

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Vendido por: TessJL
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  • Autorizações:
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  • Re-entrega automática
  • Impacto no terreno: 1
  • Mesh: 100% Mesh