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10+ ways to say i love you on alpha

10+ ways to say i love you on alpha
10+ ways to say i love you on alpha
0 Resenhas

total of 12 textures All text on alpha transparent with perfect 3d shadow and light effect, in different styles and fonts, framed or not, most accompanied by beautiful hearts decor.
If you'd like a custom message (starts from just 59 linden) send me a notecard inworld with the name of the texture that looks like the one you want and the message you want written with this font.

I will be happy to respond any question about using my prefabs or even building in general, but please note that offline message may not reach me, sometimes i may be afk or my real life issues may keep me out of second life for a long time, so please be patient.

If you think you have seen my products being sold without my permission please let me know it will help a lot.
For any important issue and for custom requests you can send me email at
Please include details and a way to contact you.
In case of missed delivery please include purchase date and information.


All meshes, sculpt models and textures made by TheDreaming Button are made for your use following this rules and any other use without prior consent from TheDreaming Button will be sanctioned by law.

You can use the sculpt maps and and associated resources to:
*make your own product and resell it with no copy or no transfer permissions
*make items for your personal use and study

You may not:
*sell or give for free to anyone any of the sculpt maps, meshes, textures and resources in full permission, alone or packed in group with others of your own
*sell or give the items outside of second life game without my personal consent

Contact me personally if you want to:
*import and significantly modify the sculpts/textures in you hard drive for selling the result with full permission
*selling the item outside of second life
*if you want a custom texture or sculpt to be made by me or a modified version from a product you have bought
*All sculpt maps are no mod, this does not affect your rights on the sl builds and is just to prevent uploading to other grids without my consent. If you want mod permision on maps i reserve the right to give it selectively and extra charges may apply.
Please note sales are final and i will not refund any full perm item you have bought. I will redeliver the item if i find your purchase listed in my transactions history, so if you need a redelivery include the name and exact date of your purchase.

Thank you for your interest in my products and the patience to read this note.

L$ 99

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..TheDreaming Button Sculpt / Sculpty, Mesh and Texture Prefabs..
..TheDreaming Button Sculpt / Sculpty, Mesh and Texture Prefabs..
Vendido por: TheDreaming Button

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Esse item será entregue diretamente a você ou a um amigo do Second Life, desempacotado e pronto para o uso. Não são necessários terrenos ou sandboxes.

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0 Resenhas
  • Copiar
  • Modificar
  • Transferir
  • Licenciado para o usuário
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