370L OFF!The witches hollow box

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Creepy cavern with many great items inside and outside
Inside you will find:
witch caudron with animation
chains with animations
blood pond with couple menu(30 positions)
decor items like skulls,spider,plants etc
gallow tree with hanging animation
animated crow and vulture(not inside the rezzer)
horror sounds to give a nice atmosphere
flying broomstick and hat as bonus!
come to have a look,it looks much nicer on land!

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wicked Hallow

Postado(s) 29/01/2012 por tashaMC Obolensky 5 estrelas

thanks for making this, is very wicked an i love it..

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Postado(s) 19/09/2011 por Monger Lionheart 5 estrelas

Too cool. Awesome detail and neat features. Detail is incredible, a sexy blood filled hottub with a crimson waterfall feeding it (lol); also includes sounds, witches broomstick, raven and a witches hat. Thanks Bee, great work as usual!!

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Bee Designs
Bee Designs
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Vendido por: Bee Caudron
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