5 Forest trees only 2 prims

5 trees 2 prims to decorate your sim, forest, place you love and need to save bunch of prims.
Optional you get one shadow prim which is up to you if you want to use it or no.
Since it has modify on, you can add your own textures that fits well.
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- no trasnfer
For any questions or issues don't hesitate to contact me on SL and/or leave me a notecard.
Enjoy! :)
OK for use in deep background
These are plants made from crossing planes, and the textures aren't awfully good. For 1L, they're very nice to use as a pentagonal plant arrangement, but not with the included textures. So, well worth spending 1L, but their best use is background.
Nice item
Lots of trees for only 2 prims, and 1L! Excellent value.
For the price..
You can't really complain when something that's 1L turns out less-than-stellar. Honestly, it would be perfectly fine, except that you *will* need to use your own textures for the leaves, because the pre-packaged ones just don't perform all that well. Once you change them, though, and especially for the price, they're very nice!
exceptionally ugly when rezed and very squat and short.
L$ 1
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