69 Park Ave Business Class S Versão 1.2

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*69 Park Ave Business Class Series*

Dark Black Pinstripe Three Piece Suit with Crisp Black Shirt and Sharp Looking Silver Tie in a two piece texture for quick dressing.

Your Look, Smart & Professional.

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Totally worth it!
full star full star full star full star full star Postado(s) 09/10/2014 por Ohravenousone

I was looking for a suit to dress my brother in to do real estate in inexpensively and actually ended up buying one for myself. It looks great on both of us. Me in that kinda Victor Victoria way. LOL At any rate I would buy it didn't expect much for 69L but it surprised me. Very happy with it.

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69 Park Ave
69 Park Ave
Vendido por: Silexe Core

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