ANAM - Ring (F5WYG) Sculptie Ring, sculptie diamond !
ANAM Jewellery
Welcome to the most prestigious collection of rings of Second Life !
ANAM Rings take hours of time to create and use exclusive methods to make them shine correctly! No gross bling particle is used! There is no menu to change the color of the gem or the color of the metal! ANAM Rings are high quality rings that you choose carefully, just as you would in real life!
Why should I get a ring from ANAM?
After all, ANAM Rings are not cheap. They don't have menus to let you change the gem or the metal color, or activate blings. Why should I buy one?
The answer is simply that ANAM Rings are the first choice for high quality rings in Second Life.
ANAM Rings are not newbie rings! They are the kind of precious possession that you take time to choose carefully, designed by Anamkhai Sodwind, a French jeweler who works professionally in the south of France -- in Lyon.
When you buy a ring in real life, you don't change the metal alloy or the gem every day. You don't have ugly blings, or a menu that makes the ring talk to people.
ANAM Rings are real rings! Take your time to choose one that you and your future partner want! Visit ANAM Store for more information about the rings, and for guidance on how to choose the right one. Each ring is modifable, so that you will always be able to adjust it or stretch it to make its fit, or to change its color. Each ANAM Ring is designed for the sophisticated Second Life client, with shiney effects, glowing effects, and "ANAM Gold Rendering" technology. They all come with full explanations, with a cute sculptie box that has a lid that will open and close to reveal the ring, with animations to show off the ring, and even with a proposal animation that you can use when you present the ring to your beloved.
Decide for yourself whether you want the prestige and beauty of wearing an ANAM Ring.
Choose what your lover deserves, a real ring designed with passion!
* How does it work? *
When you open the box, you will see the following items:
1. The notecard you are reading right now!
2. A copy of the ring you purchased, whose name ends with "wear on left hand"
Simply right click on it in your inventory and choose "wear", and your ring will appear on your left hand. The most common place used for rings is the left hand, on the pinky. However, you may want to change the position to the right hand or to another finger, so you will also find in your ANAM Box a stand -- "ANAM - Posing Stand" -- that you can rez to adjust the position of your ring.
3. A posing stand "ANAM - Posing Stand".
4. The ring you purchased, in a lid case. Its name has the word "LID" at the end. Wear it to carry the case in your right hand. You can also drop the lid case on the ground. When you click on the lid case, it will open and people will be able to look at your ring!
5. A gesture named "proposal". To use it, first activate it in your inventory. Once it is activated and you are wearing the lid case, simply type "/proposal" in the chat window, to launch the proposal animation. Your avatar will now show the lid case to your beloved! While you are wearing the lid case, you or anyone else can click on it and it will open! The animation runs for about 30 seconds so people have time to click on it!
6. Two guestures named "showring (right hand)" and "showring (left hand)". Activate them and type /ringright or /ringleft according to what hand you are wearing the ring on. These gestures make it easier for people to zoom on the ring.
7. A picture of the ring you purhcased (copy / modify / transfer), so you can show your ring by transferring the picture!
Common questions :
Q : What is "ANAM Gold Rendering" and how do i see it ?
A : ANAM Gold Rendering is an exclusive realistic feature that gives a very nice glowing effect to your ring! It does not just glow, there are very thin, moving, glowing effects that do not stay at one place and are not on the whole ring. To make sure your computer has the glowing effect enabled, go into edit->preferences->graphics and make sure the "custom" box is checked. Then make sure "Bump Mapping Shiny" and "Basic Shaders" are both checked, under "Shaders". (Some 3D cards do not support Basic Shaders ! If the little box is grey and you can't check it, you cannot see the entire effect.)
Q : Why is the ring moving and not fitting my finger correctly?
A : Unfortunatly this is due to Second Life limitations. You can attach and object to your left or right hand, but not to your fingers. Maybe that feature will come one day! Until then, there is not a single ring in Second Life that can be adjusted perfectly. There are several issues about fixing the ring on your avatar: First, your finger isn't round like a cylinder, it's more like a square, which makes the ring impossible to fit perfectly (unless you are