G Geral

AR - Barthelemy - Powder

AR - Barthelemy - Powder

During the 18th century, male fashion included the adapting of wigs, when hair receded or was no long able to be styled. The style of wigs came into fashion the century before, under the great French King, Louis XIV. But the century came to a close, and the new one began, new styles emerged with the new King, Louis XV. These hair dates from the period of 1750-1780, when men’s hair were curled, and styled. If one wasn’t able to style their hair, or was balding, wigs became an answer. They imitated styles that would have been worn by then normal hair, but was made of instead human, horse, goat, or yak hair. Hair styled in this manor was worn from the Court of France, to the Courts of Russia, England, and Spain, across the Italian states, and virtually all Europe at the time, and their colonies around the world, like Colonial America, or Colonial Spain. Most men used their natural hair, or when balding, a color closes to their natural hair. There were exceptions, like formal events, events of Kings, or their courtiers, where the fashion was the powder their hair. By the 1750s – 1780s, hair was powdered in an Ash – Brown – Grey – White color. Fashionable males, especially leaders, and those top of society, wore powdered wigs. Nearly everyone else wore their normal tones.

  • This hair is based on 18th Century Male Hair.
  • It's Historical in shape, size, and style.
  • Worn across Europe and Colonial America in the 18th Century.
  • The Hair is Worn on the Skull.
  • It is Modifiable, and Transferable.