~Alien Disintegrator Rifle~ (boxed) 1.01 Versão 1.01

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Hello everyone! Thank you for showing your interest in our products.

This is our replica for the great ~Alien Disintegrator Rifle~ from the famous game Fallout 3.

We added some better shooting possibilities, a great auto / burst mode and ofcourse a granade thrower.

- Low lag scripting
- 7 different animations on the gun
- 14 AO animations
- magazine with 30 bullets
- prone, stand, lay poses
- integrated AO
- comes with a cool ammo belt and
- has a 3 years guarantee...

Applies for NORMAL METERS (dcs2, ccs, osiris, xrps, larps, nh, frcs, tm and most of other normal meters)

How to fight using the weapon?

Go into mouselook and shoot

Touch the drawn weapon to get a menu with several settings

sci fi, future, futuristic

Enjoy your shootouts!

~ Your Quality Melee Weapons Creator Since March, 2007 ~

~The company~

Since early 2007, the team of H&S MetalWorks ltd. focuses on Quality Realistic and Fantasy Melee Weapons. Our goal is to have Satisfied and Happy Customers, Amazed Fighters and glorious Winners. In our transaction history list we have over 10,700 individual customers (July 2010) and have just sold our 50,000th melee weapon in these - 3,5 years.

Please join our group, the: H&S Weapons

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  • Guns, Post Apocalyptic, G'NA
  • H&S MetalWorks ltd.
  • Weapons, Melee, Ranged, Gun, Pistol,
  • 30 bullets, Fast scripts
  • sci fi, future, futuristic


Classificação média: full star full star empty star empty star empty star
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full star full star empty star empty star empty star Postado(s) 10/07/2012 por Picard Zhu

Looks great visually. The scripts are horrible and tend to lag the sim. There are better guns for a lower price. It does come with standard features you would find in most guns but there are still better options. The bullets seem to be similar to "French fry" bullets back from 2006-2007 and are not impressive.

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H&S MetalWorks ltd.
Vendido por: Sanja Guyot

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