Ancient Green Tree Nook is the perfect conversation spot for the garden. A huge tree with falling leaves forms a canopy over a bench that surrounds the tree.
Accessories in the bench include multiple animations for couples,singles, and groups, plus interactive items such as coffee and wine you can really drink, as well as weather, sound, and fire elements.
Included Accessories: Fruit, Coffee, Wine, Ice Cream Bars, Kids Drinks, Campfire, Candles (campfire has crackling fire sound controls), Sound Orb (9 sound choices, and 5 Types Of Weather (butterflies, snow, rain, fog, fireflies).
The bench rezzes accessories on small tree stump tables.
Falling leaves have on/off/lock controls.
Ancient Green Tree Nook has 11 animations for singles & 6 animations for couples.
Three additional pillows can be rezzed with the "Poses 2" choice, and each pillow has 4 animations.
Five people can sit on the bench at the same time.
Pillows will disappear when not in use, reducing lag on your land.
** Special feature for drinks/food - click drinks/food and it disappears - wear from inventory to eat/drink.
** Utilizes the low-lag pose system (rezzes cushions to sit on that disappear when not in use). All poses on are animations (no static poses).
** ANIMATION INFO - Be sure and rez the pillows first on the swing and bench, then sit on the pillow and click the pillow itself to change poses. You must click the pillow you're sitting on and not your partners pillow.
** If any scripted item stops working try resetting the scripts (Select the item >> Tools >> Reset scripts in selection).
Modifiable Bench (if you want to change the bench texture, but don't change the size or the poses won't rez in the correct postion).
Tree is not modifiable but can be removed.
23 prims (tree is 20 prims, bench is 3 prims)
Be sure and check out all my Nooks and Instant Gardens in the store - you may want to go back and forth between many beautiful landscapes.
Live In Beauty!
Luna Bliss
- Seating Arrangement
- Bench With Animations
- Bench With Poses
- Landscaping With Animations
- Interactive Trees