Dear costumer!
Thanks for your interest in the .::Arbri::. Eventboard (size L).
You can copy the boards as you like and set them up thanks to the Eventconfig script. You can insert or link your own posters or use one of twelve standard posters for your events.
Month, day, weekday, slt time and djname can be set.
You can also put multiple events on your boards that will be displayed in infinite sequence.
Made by Arbri
Version 1.2:
- Pictures to give to clicker added
- Flickering Lights (like a defect)
- Options menu added:
* (de-) activate the flicker function globally
* active direct port on click instead of giving content
- Bugs removed:
* Glow value wasn't set, now the glow value can be set correct
* Fullbright was always on, now the fullbright can be turned on and off
Version 1.1:
- Multiple events on a single board added
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