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Mousehouse - Archery Kit Versão 3

Mousehouse - Archery Kit
Mousehouse - Archery Kit
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Thanks for taking a look at our new Archery Kit! Originally designed and created for use in a Renaissance Faire event, this fun archery practice kit has been polished some more and put up for others to enjoy!

The kit includes a target (9LandImpact), bow, bow vendor (1LandImpact), and scoreboard (13LandImpact). The scoreboard can be touched by the owner to either clear the board or set a new limit of attempts. A few moments of rezzing and positioning is needed for setup, and you can rez multiple targets for competition with your fellow archers!

Due to the nature of SL physics, some arrows may not display properly after striking targets, objects, and the ground. This is a limitation in SL that I am trying to work around.

For any feedback, questions, or a demonstration, please contact Nori Ovis!

  • Includes llDamage function
  • Scoreboard displays top 12 archers
  • Scoreboard can be cleared

L$ 498

Adicionando ao carrinho como presente


Vendido por: Nori Ovis

É necessário desempacotar

Esse item requer que você encontre um lugar no Second Life (como uma sandbox) para desempacotá-lo e usá-lo.

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