Astaro LFT-30 Light Tank Versão 1

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The Astaro LFT-30 is a Light Tank designed to be a lightweight alternative to large main battle tanks. It features an extremely low prim count of just 6 (5 when only display model) and needs no attachments to function. Simply sit in the seat and your ready to go, entering mouselook aims the gun to where your looking. The tank has 8 built in themes but includes links to PSD texture files you can edit yourself and apply to the tank. It also features a numberplate in the front that will generate a new number when it is rezzed (or can be changed manually). The tank also features a parade mode allowing the driver to pop out of the hatch.

The tank is compatible with BNWCS. linden combat, and has basic vice support (hopefully more coming soon).



  • 6 Land Impact (prim usage)
  • No attachments required
  • BNWCS and VICE compatible
  • Custom texture support
  • 8 Themes Included.

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Astaro make the tank!

Postado(s) 28/09/2022 por Mikkoto Takeda 5 estrelas

It's has popular combat system to do combating RP in Second Life.

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Vice is okay but only okay

Postado(s) 21/01/2016 por MicahStellar 3 estrelas

This tank has potential but not in VICE at the moment. Also tank wants to jump out of place when you fire, there are a few times it practically shot its self over on its side. Another when giving support on a canal it jump shot into the water. Does thing need brakes or something? I'm a VICE user, so in that regards it gets a 3. Looks decent, its cheap yes but the thing about it leaping around when it fires is rather aggravating.

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Astaro / Tredpro
Astaro / Tredpro
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Vendido por: ac14 Hutson
É necessário desempacotar

Esse item requer que você encontre um lugar no Second Life (como uma sandbox) para desempacotá-lo e usá-lo.

  • 4.67 estrelas 9 Resenhas

  • Autorizações:
    Copiar Modificar Transferir Licenciado para o usuário
  • Re-entrega automática
  • Impacto no terreno: 6
  • Mesh: 100% Mesh