Complete tiny Bear Knight Avatar Set, including Shape, Skin, Knight Armour, scripted Helmet, Sword, free Animation Overrider etc...
All items copyable.
How to use it:
The MM - tiny Bear Knight is ready to use. all items will attach to the right place if worn.
we recomment the following workaround:
1. create a folder in your inventory named 'MM - tiny Bear Knight'
2. copy all items from the box into that folder.
3. keep the box! all items are copyable but you know what sometimes happens in SL... so keep the box and you can get as much copies as you want :-)
4. to attach parts of the kit open the folder and rightclick the item, choose 'wear' and the part will get to its position automatically.
5. SL will the attached parts make to remember if and where worn the last time. so if you completed the avatar next time its much more easier to change to that cute, brave bear knight: just drag the folder above your avatar and drop it. if everything works well all item will get to its place automatically and you will complete the changes in seconds...
6. scripted parts:
the eyes of your tiny bear knight blinks automatically.
some scripted parts are controled by click:
click the visor: the helmets visor opens and closes
click the right arm: sword appears or disappears in hand and controls the sword worn on hip additionally
(remember: all disappearing or moving parts do NOT disappearing really, they only gets invisible and other parts gets visible instead of them.)
Please rate and review this item after using it for awhile, and please give me any feedback if you have issues or would like to see new features implemented.
Also, check out my other items for sale on SL marketplace!
- tiny bear knight
- complete avatar set
- simply wear all parts
- including scripted parts
- cute bear knight