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Ave of light Versão 1

Ave of light
Ave of light
0 Resenhas

Avenida de la luz
Avenue of light.

February 2012
December 2013 50% off

200 prims
Rezz Faux System
80X38X9 meters
Need terraform (9 meters from the ground)

Recosnstrucción the magnificent gallery of the same name.
First of its kind in Europe, located in Barcelona.
Underground and above the main railway station.

It is a gallery of columns to accommodate underground trading posts, etc..

Can be set to Utopia3.

Now you can get a multi-demo from this same page, inside this building., Following the instructions you will see a set of buildings. .
Click on the link "Get the demo version"

Thanks for the intereset


Search our collection the building that best suits your needs.

Read conditions of this sale in the policies of the CVR
Buying this great work you accept the conditions of the policies.

CVR is registered trademarck.


Recosnstrucción de la magnífica galería del mismo nombre.
Primera en su género en Europa, situada en Barcelona. Bajo el suelo y encima de la estación principal de los ferrocarriles.

Se trata de una galería de columnas subterránea para albergar puestos comerciales, etc.

Puede ajustarse a Utopia3.

Veja o item no Second Life
  • Classic Vintage Retro
  • high quality textures
  • All parts of the complex are clearly identified within the box Rezz Faux
  • high detailed
  • forties and fifties recreations

L$ 444

Adicionando ao carrinho como presente


Versão demo
cVR Constructing Virtual Reality
cVR Constructing Virtual Reality
Vendido por: Ricblas Ferraris

Terreno necessário

This item requires that you have access to land in Second Life in order to use it.

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  • Licenciado para o usuário
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Impacto no terreno: 200