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BOX Sword Magic-Thorn- BM

BOX Sword Magic-Thorn- BM
BOX Sword Magic-Thorn- BM
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========= Blackmaster =========
Weapons System

Magic Swords Weapons

These Sword are synchronized with the hud, you will see when pointing to his victim's name that will be attacked as position.

20 - Magics (Traps, Followers, Pushers, Orbits, Deforms, Kills, etc...)
10 - Powers (Launch powers, Orbits, Cluster, Traps, Pushers, etc...)
5 - Furious (Multi magics attacks all avatars)
3 - Fight style (Basic, Medium, Strong, 24 animations)
2 - Intershield (Defense vision mouse, auto attack magic, more 1 npv)

- Compatible whit DCS,CCS
- Nice effects magical
- HUD controls everything
- HUD advanced system for point target
- Change magic hud, chat or arm
- Custom colors in parts arm, 20.000 colors

- Magics

- Spiral - Spiral magic attack a end cluster pusher
- Vanis - Vanis magic attack a end orbit pusher
- Icetrap - icetrap magic attack trap avatar if sit vicmit become deformed
- Crystal - cristal magic star follower
- Orbit - orbit magic 4000 m
- Swords - swords magic launch magics swords damage 100 %
- Beamtrap - Beamtrap magic attack trap avatar
- Orbpush - Orbpush magic attack end push orbiter
- Dagger - Dagger magic 9 dagger attack in cluster a you victim
- Supernova - Supernova star magic follower particles effects if sit vicmit become deformed

- Mmagics

- Blackhole - blackhole magic attack gooble all avatars magnet
- Sunshine - Sunshine magic attack 9 cluster suns magic attack pusher
- Magnet - Shoot one and will leave the attack magnet for all
- Octopus - octopus magic attack follower
- Purplestar - pusplestar magic attack a you victim star purples pusher
- Meteors - meteors magic attack meteors godsend a victim
- Skulls - skulls magic 9 skulls Roedean victim end push
- Twister - twister magic attract avatars to twister magnet
- Spark - spark magick follower particle pusher
- Elevator - elevator magic raises a you victim with start magics
- Flash - flash magic particle follower attack

- Powers

- Ring - ring powers spear magic foam follower
- Spiked - spiked power spear damage 100%
- Powder - powder power spear fast follower pusher
- Pdagger - pdaggers power spear daggers magics cluster pusher
- Meteor - power meteor spear meteors fire a you victims
- Electro - electro power spear electro balls followers fast
- Balls - balls power spear electro pusher followers fast
- Firex - firex power spear balls fire followers
- Webspid - webspider powers spear webspider traps colision
- Bursts - bursts powers spear move a you victims backward

- Furious - MULTI Magic attack ( Magics attacks all the avatars who are in a radio next to 40 m)

- Foctopus - octopus magic attack follower
- Forbpush - Orbpush magic attack end push orbiter
- Ficetrap - icetrap magic attack trap avatar
- Forbit - orbit magic 4000 m
- Fsupernova - Supernova star magic follower particles effects

- Effects ( effects on the edge of the magic sword )

- Fire - effects on the edge of the magic sword
- Beam
- thunder
- blackfire
- whitefire
- violetfire
- bluefire
- blur- effects on the edge of the magic sword in acction

- Modes

- RP - RP mode roleplay compatible whit DCS/CCS
- Dmg - attack damage 100%
- Push - attack push
- 1hitkill - damage 100%
- normal - 1% Damage

- Stylefight ( 24 animations )

- Basic
- Medium
- strong

In HUD defenses ands shield

2 - inthershield one normal and other system autodefens magic mouselook
1 - NPV ( inmortal in areas damage )

- change colors in parts off sword 20.000 colors
- in hud tells you that you're using magic power or mode, more the logo of magic
- These Sword are synchronized with the hud, you will see when pointing to his victim's name that will be attacked as position.
- Magic fills the bar in 12 seconds when you do a magic
- Draw and Sheath

Note: Use you sword whit moderation, no griefing

======== Blackmaster ========
========Hud Weapons System========

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  • Magic Sword

L$ 1.100

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