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Basic cave skybox

Basic cave skybox
Basic cave skybox
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Dear customer,

Thank you for your interest - , or your purchase of this Jos Joszpe Basic cave skybox.

This wonderfull and spacious cave , built of only 6 prim, hidden for privacy in a 22.5x22.5 meter skybox, comes in a rezbox and can be placed high in the sky.
The low prim design and the small footprint make this cave very suitable for small parcels - even for 512 sqm parcels as long as the shortest side of the parcel is at least 22.5 meters in length.

The interior of this cave offers you a circular ground-space about 12 meters in diameter. The caves hight is about 9 meters.

The cave is copy

For any help what so ever just IM Jos Joszpe he will help asap.

No worries when building. you cannot loose your cave. the packadge rezzes it over and over again. Jus make sure not to delete it from your inventory.

  • Cave in skybox 22.5x22.5 meters
  • floorspace in cave is about 20 sqm, 9 meter hight
  • comes in rezbox with instructions
  • only 6 prims

L$ 49

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Jos Joszpe designs
Jos Joszpe designs
Vendido por: Jos Joszpe

Terreno necessário

This item requires that you have access to land in Second Life in order to use it.

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Impacto no terreno: 6