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Berry Cream Kyuubi Applier

Berry Cream Kyuubi Applier
Berry Cream Kyuubi Applier
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✖ Mod/Copy Only!
✖ Included the tail texture in the box. In case the applier for it, fails you.

Kyuubi Avatar:

Mod Parts I used in this: The Fluffy Set -

R: 181
G: 58
B: 81

If the applier don't work for that tail, manually edit the tail itself and add the texture in that way. I've included the texture for the tail, in the box. It'll look weird, if you use the default tail for the avatar.

Inspired by desserts!

Helpful Instructions below by Carolzilla Lionheart

!!!How to use!!!

1- Go to a Sandbox or some area that allows you to drop on the ground the Avatar. (Always have a backup copy!)

2 - Once the Avatar has been rezzed, go into Edit Mode -> Textures and change the 'Color' to White. Some areas on the avatar are tinted in different colors, so for the textures to look better is best to do this.

3- Still in Edit Mode check the 'Select Face' option, click and hold SHIFT to select the 'fur' in front of the ears and in the Textures Tab select in Alpha Mode the option Alpha Masking to Mask cutoff 255 (or if that doesn't work just simply set the Transparency to 100%).

4 - Now finally on the Appliers, wear the Texture Applier Hud that comes with the Avatar.

L$ 35

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Nerxual Oh's Creations
Nerxual Oh's Creations
Vendido por: Nerxual Oh

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Esse item será entregue diretamente a você ou a um amigo do Second Life, desempacotado e pronto para o uso. Não são necessários terrenos ou sandboxes.

Funcionam com avatares em mesh
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