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C- Zuri's Ophelia Bracelets Set P-Mesh Steel-Sterling Mix Versão P-Mesh Steel-Sterling Mix

C- Zuri's Ophelia Bracelets Set P-Mesh Steel-Sterling Mix
C- Zuri's Ophelia Bracelets Set P-Mesh Steel-Sterling Mix
0 Resenhas

◣ Czarina Bracelets Set - Peach Opal/Mocha/Bronze

◣ The lovely textures are all custom and only found at Zuri Jewelry.

◣ Buy with confidence from SL's most reputable jeweler for 10 years now, known for amazing customer service.

◣See the matching Necklace set here on MP too or in store.

◣ This item is COPY/No Transfer and has optional blings which are tiny and elegant. Also, this item has optional full bright found on the easy to use resize menu.

◣This jewelry set has elegant tiny, optional blings along with full bright option and is resizable.

◣ Stop by to see it modeled before purchase if you like. Ask any sales representative at Zuri's Main Store in Jewels Isle.

◣ Thank you for looking!
Zuri Rayna - Zuri Rayna Jewelry


Veja o item no Second Life
  • ◣Czarina Bracelets Set - Peach Opal/Mocha/Bronze
  • ◣Custom Textures only found at Zuri Rayna Jewelry
  • ◣Buy with confidence from SL's finest and most reputable jeweler.
  • ◣Amazing customer service should you need help
  • Optional blings,resizers and fullbright options and this item is COPY/No Transfe

L$ 449

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• Zuri Jewelry • Since 2007
• Zuri Jewelry • Since 2007
Vendido por: Zuri Rayna

É necessário desempacotar

Esse item requer que você encontre um lugar no Second Life (como uma sandbox) para desempacotá-lo e usá-lo.

Funcionam com avatares clássicos e em mesh
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  • Copiar
  • Modificar
  • Transferir
  • Licenciado para o usuário
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Mesh: Mesh parcial