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*CABS* ATLANTIC 85 RHIB Rescue Dinghy Versão v1.1.5

*CABS* ATLANTIC 85 RHIB Rescue Dinghy
*CABS* ATLANTIC 85 RHIB Rescue Dinghy
2 Resenhas

This model is built to scale and has the correct scale speed with a max output of 35 knots (18 m/s; 40mph). at full speed, and takes about one and a half sims to reach that speed from a standing start.

It gently rocks while the engines are in use, and at speed it will crest off of imaginary waves just like a real boat would do in choppy conditions. You'll also get a spray of water over the boat when that happens. You can also turn on/off some rocking while the boat is moored.
There's a fuel system that can be enabled/disabled. Fuel consumption is higher with more throttle.
Directions, forwards/backwards/port/starboard stuff.
It can be guested for others to use.
Has a few different camera positions for the skipper.

Copy and mod, so get modding.

This is a work in progress still and any future changes i make will be sent out free as an update but rest assured this version you buy now will remain fully operational as well if you do not like any of the updates.

Available to demo test inworld.

Special Thanks to Yetius of Rubber Bunny for her help in bringing this boat out of beta mode.

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  • Independant Working GPS Sim Charts for skip and navigator.
  • Working Dials that are best viewed while piloting/sailing in mouselook
  • Modifiable & Re-texturable as much as you want
  • Fully Animated Twin Yamaha 4-stroke outboard engines, 115 hp.
  • Fuel system that can be enabled/disabled
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I recommend it.
full star full star full star full star full star Postado(s) 19/08/2016 por Mak Munster

You will get an outdated version, then the builder will contact you and send you a new orange version with a lot of improvements... Better sounds, better handling and looks better.

Realistic speed, nice behaviour (like jumping on the waves), not a laggy vehicle.

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OMG !! amazing boat, Great details + amazing scripting ! and under 100 land impact
full star full star full star full star full star Postado(s) 25/07/2016 por Badger Orfan

This is by far the best RHIB on the market currently, why do i say this well i use one daily myself in RL when not being lazy and socialising in SL. I am a volunteer coxswain for the RNLI and this boat has captured the feel of our Atlantic RHIB fleet perfectly. The detailing is of a high level and i especially love the GPS map which along with the working dials is visible to the helm when in mouselook charging over the waves to a rescue. I understand from the creator that she has been allowed to use Rubber Bunny's boat script as a base and has modded it to this particular boat with various changes to the way it travels in the water compared to the equally great Marlin by rubber bunny.
I have already had a couple of updates to this RHIB which have been sent automatically and I understand this is a work in progress build too, as the creator pointed out she intends adding a tow system to the boat to tow back small craft in a future release. If this comes around it will be a bonus as the boat for me feels complete enough as it is.
You get a texture pack with the boat which is pretty basic but does what you need and you can always create your own textures using the ones provided as a guide.
Overall this is 5 stars all the way and i can now retire my old wearable prim Atlantic from another creator.
Great work and I hope to see more from this builder and hopefully more builds coming out between both Rubber Bunny & *CABS*.

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L$ 500

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Vendido por: Sweecahcahche Ah

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Impacto no terreno: 89