G Geral

[CAROL G] Lynx Tattoo - Black

[CAROL G] Lynx Tattoo - Black

✰ 4 versions intensity - 100% - 75% - 50% - 35%
✰ BOM TaTToo (Bakes on Mesh Layers)
✰ Lel EvoX
✰ Catwa EvoX
✰ Compatibe with all body system BOM

✰This tattoo features three different intensity levels that are compatible with all body types, thanks to its use of the BOM (Bakes on Mesh) system. The BOM system ensures that the tattoo adapts seamlessly to different skin tones and body shapes.

✰ flickr = https://www.flickr.com/photos/132471994@N03/

CAROL G. Copyright ©

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