![CBB-239 DEMO](https://slm-assets.secondlife.com/assets/23976272/view_large/239demo.jpg?1562256053)
Shopping IN world shop is cheaper!!!
Multi-faces map
UV maps
Important message
In order to improve work efficiency,Make more products that you like,reduce part of the body.
now there is only
JOMO_Dragon body and Tiger body is same size.
If you have any questions, please contact me.
You can't give/send it to others in any king of full perm(etc. put it into any kind of free gift or use it in free hunt),it will cause DCMA.
- cool
- sexy
- hot
- cute
- jomo
very nice
outfit is super nice, but... id wish the return of the "tonic curvy" and maybe add-on with the TMP legacy.
L$ 0
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