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{C&C} Hematite Pyramid

{C&C} Hematite Pyramid
{C&C} Hematite Pyramid
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An Iron oxide, this stone is very much favoured by those connecting with the earth. A great stone for grounding and centering yourself to the physical world. It's name is derived from the Greek word for blood.

Associated with:
Grounding, calming, centering, physical realms, blood and iron, manifestation

Chakra: 1st, Root Chakra, Muladhara

Element: Earth

This is just a teeny taste of information; as always we encourage you to explore, read, chat, search and seek out more information on anything you find calls to you or you are interested in.

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You can find stones in the Spiritual Items section of the store.

Everything at {C&C} is made with RL ties, by RL practitioners of the craft. Every pairing of numbers, cards, sigils, or stones is directly related to a spiritual belief or practice.

Any issues or questions for {Candle and Cauldron} please IM November Nighthearth or Corvus Forestwalker and we will get back to you as soon as possible!

Broomsticks and Blessings,
C&C Staff

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Candle & Cauldron
Candle & Cauldron
Vendido por: Grey Velvet

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