CDY Tip Jar

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really cute bottle tip jar with heart emitters.. it doesn't show the last donation and who tipped last, floating text automatically show the owner name, thank you message to tipper.
You must have particles enabled to see the hearts.
Sorry,I don't do custom work anymore.



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its a nice one
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Postado(s) 19/06/2021 por QueenLadyPheonix

its a nice tip jar but very small.. when i took it back in my inventory it dissappered and theres no redeliver for it :(

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cute but tiny and a hard to see
full star full star full star empty star empty star Postado(s) 13/02/2020 por Ciara Ashton

this is precious but so very small and hard to see except the emitter that hides this even more. made bigger it would be a great tip jar especially for valentines day.

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Adicionando ao carrinho como presente


::..Casa de Yasmin..::
::..Casa de Yasmin..::
Vendido por: yasminn Kira

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