C.M.G Truss & roof light on stage BOX Versão 1.0

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C.M.G Truss & roof light on stage

A Truss & roof light on stage light on event place and dance club stage and etc.
The spot light genarative in the middle of the night setting.

- Use
It is rezed on stage of land.
How to light on : touch part of truss.
How to light off : retouch part of truss.
When light on, touch spotlight, generate dialog about light value,select [+] or [-]
Stage and spot light is rezed in land too.

The question etc. : IM to the creator.

Veja o item no Second Life


  • A Truss & roof light on stage light on event place and dance club stage and etc.
  • The spot light genarative in the middle of the night setting.



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Vendido por: tomohiko Ferraris

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