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CP-Rock Wall

CP-Rock Wall

Small Rock Wall with climbing Ivy and Lights
Empty Wall included

size. 4,5x2x4

Only 2Li

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Looks so nice!
full star full star full star full star full star Postado(s) 05/05/2021 por RaeRaeSharky

Perfect to make a stone wall around your land or hill! :)

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New Review! March 2021 - This Rock Wall is still really good! See my key notes!
full star full star full star full star full star Postado(s) 31/03/2021 por Sebastian Spearsong

The one thing missing in the details are the dimensions of this rock wall. It is approximately 2 x 4.5 x 4.5 and registers 2 prims/LI for me. I stretched it sideways to 10 meters wide with edit linked parts and it remained 2 prims. It is a good mesh lod as I have no problems rezzing it from a distance. Great product and even better for the low price. Thank you Caro. If anyone wants to see the CP-Rock, feel free to look me up.

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♥ beautiful ♥
full star full star full star full star full star Postado(s) 03/01/2021 por Gwendlynne Abeyante

thank you :)

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full star full star full star full star full star Postado(s) 17/07/2020 por DefunctCommodity

Looks fantastic! Low LI and LOD. Great price. A million places to use this... Excellent!

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full star full star full star full star full star Postado(s) 17/05/2018 por Mambo Yheng

top very usefull at my parcel

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so cute
full star full star full star full star full star Postado(s) 13/05/2018 por Tilva

very cute and very good LOD, nice texture
3Li as creator said and I also found no useless prims or scripts in it
would buy it again

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L$ 50

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Vendido por: Caro Porta

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Mesh: 100% Mesh