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C/W Marble table Full Perm

C/W Marble table  Full Perm
C/W Marble table  Full Perm
0 Resenhas

★C/W Marble table Full Perm

Package contains:

- Mesh C/W Marble table Full Perm
- AO Map Texture
- Specular Map Texture
- NormalMap Texture
- Base Texture 6 x

The product picture you see on the store item page has been designed on computer 3D environment. That is why the item you purchase may show some little differences also depending on your graphic settings. We can always show you the sample of the product. Please do not hesitate to ask.We do not have a refund policy. Buying a product means you read all of our explanations.


By purchasing this product, you agree to the following Terms of Service

★ The account with which you purchased this item receives a license to use textures according to the Terms of Service. Textures remain my intellectual property.

★ You are not allowed to sell any part of the product as is (with full permissions enabled), even with modifications.

★ This vendor's ad images cannot be used or altered for their own ads.

★ No Sell this mesh individually without making changes..

★ No Sell the mesh in your creations with all permissions.

★ No Sell the mesh in your creations with permissions copy and transfer simultaneously.

L$ 249

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Creative Workshop
Vendido por: BezumnuyAngel

É necessário desempacotar

Esse item requer que você encontre um lugar no Second Life (como uma sandbox) para desempacotá-lo e usá-lo.

Funcionam com avatares clássicos e em mesh
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0 Resenhas
  • Copiar
  • Modificar
  • Transferir
  • Licenciado para o usuário
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