Campfire - Medieval - rustic - Torvaldsland - Nomads - Panther

Detalhes Destaques Conteúdo 1 Resenhas


This Campfire is ideal as the center for socializing in your camp, fortress or village.

It offers plenty of sitting room with 4 couple animations, 5 female animations and 5 male animations. All together 18 people can find room to sit around this fire (unfortunately marketplace doesnt allow to upload pics of all poses and animations so this is just a selection, if you want to see all of them please come and visit us at GORCON.)

The Campfire contains in depth information about where the certain poses can be found - including descriptive pictures.

This Campfire with its unique and lifelike poses and animations could be the new center of attraction of your sim.

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full star full star full star full star empty star Postado(s) 08/05/2013 por Peaches Willful

The only thing I can complain about really is it is not copyable :( but sits all of my friends and looks great in a lot of different environments. Thanks for the great product.

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Vendido por: Atano Anatra

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Impacto no terreno: 40