Capel Red Texture

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This is a Capel Red Texture with full Permissions.

To check out my other items please click the link: Browse my other items

Thank you for purchasing textures at Preez Designs I hope you enjoy using my textures.

My textures were created via Photoshop and it took me a long time to create them please respect my work and do not give away or re-sell them.

* End user agreement you agree that you can create your own items with my textures and give them away and re-sell them but please do not give away or re-sell my textures in their original forms.

Re-selling and giving away any textures is illegal and if anyone is found doing so will be reported.

Please IM me with any special requests and I will see what I can do.

Thank you again for purchasing at Preez Designs.




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Gloria Preez

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