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Celanya Suri

Celanya Suri
Celanya Suri
5 Resenhas

Make sure to check out the video!


★ Animated, Playable Bansuri Instrument.

★ Contains 3 original song recordings by a bansuri artist.

★ 6 individually playable notes.

★ M and F versions included. (Both versions contain the same animations, but sized for smaller or larger avatars.)

★ 4 Texture sets.

★ 12 Effect color options.

★ 3 Volume settings for songs.

★ Optional particle effects.


★ Have a wonderful day.


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Worth ever single penny and More!
full star full star full star full star full star Postado(s) 06/08/2023 por Tacky Mermaid

Some people just don't appreciate the sort of effort and appeal an accessory like this has. It's beyond beautiful and the music is eery and wonderful. I love the various audio ranges, this is 100% made to function as a true SL instrument. When you play you want an audience to enjoy the music with you. If you haven't picked up this -and every other instrument offered by this creator- you are missing out!

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Good but Pricey
full star full star full star empty star empty star Postado(s) 05/06/2023 por LuminaLux

The flue itself is wonderfully made and scripted. The keys you play are nice but maybe last a little too long? even on minimal setting the notes can still be heard from a far distance. All in all a nice flute. Is it worth 999 Ls? after buying it and playing with it for a while in RP sims like Spira or CrossWinds? I'd have to say it's not worth the money.

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L$ 999

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