Closet bed yellow Versão 1

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Weimar! Presents;
Closet bed (aka Murphy or fold-down bed)

Avoid disappointment, read carefully and see item inworld before buying!

This is a 3 prim land impact mesh closet with fold-down bed.
Very popular in the early 20th century with people who had to live in small apartments, for guest rooms in larger houses or for servants, in dormitories, etc.
By opening the closet a bed could be pulled down.
The bed comes with 8 animated poses and a change shaping blanket, that means that you'll actually be able to sleep under the blanket.
The bed comes with 6 blanket textures, but you can buy others from my shop or try make your own!

I am a Dutch woman obsessed with history, in RL I am a researcher.
Europe in the first half of the 20th century inspires me.
The objects I create are especially made for The 1920s Berlin Project sim where many of the tenants often have to live in small houses and bad neighbourhoods.

*Thanks to Steadman Kondor who helped me out with the scripting.

I make things according to Prim Scale, a prim cube is 50cm x 50cm x 50cm.
Many avatars and Sims in SL have a totally unrealistic scale but more and more sims and shops are now using Prim Scale.
That means that the objects I make are made for realistic scaled avatars, if they seem too small to you, this probably is because you are rather big.
However, you can make my items bigger and adjust the animations to fit any size of avatar.

-Rezz the item by dragging it from your inventory onto the floor.
-Right click and select 'edit' to move it or rotate into the desired position.
-Use this same window to change the size by selecting stretch.
-Left click the closet for the bed to appear.
-Right click and choose "sit here" to use the bed.
-Once you are on the bed, click the object to get a blue menu if you want to change your animation.
-Say 1/a to adjust your position, you can move your avatar to a different spot, the object will remember your preferences.

Please remember that if you stand up during some of the animations you may end up on the wrong side of the window or balustrade.
To avoid this choose one of the lean animations before standing up.

-Because this is a mesh object you can easily change it.
-First make sure you keep at least one copy of the original, just in case you break it.
-Drag a texture from your inventory onto part of the object to change it, they come with custom made textures that fit perfectly, so be prepared to accept that it might not look as good as the original.
-If you change the size, the land impact may go up.
-You can put your personal favourite settings in the notecard inside the bed so you never had to adjust the animations again, but this may be a bit tricky.

Land impact; 3 prim.
1.1 Download
1.2 Physics
2.5 Server
5520 Display

You can always send me a IM with any questions you may have.

Is my shop, it sells stuff I've made for the 1920s Berlin Project, generally it is common, old simple stuff for poor people ;)
You can find my shops here;

Flagship store in Vintage Retro sim;

Vintage Village;

*Stay in touch:
-Join the Weimar! Hippogroup mailinglist and/or official SL group by clicking the poster by the shop.
-Like the facebook page;
-Follow the blog;

Come and visit us some time, we ask you to wear 1920s clothing (freebies provided) but it will show you the natural surroundings of the object you bought and you will see lots more stuff like it.

With regards;
Jo Yardley

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  • 100% mesh
  • Shape changing blankets allow you to sleep under the covers
  • only 3 prim land impact
  • 8 animated poses
  • mod & copy perms



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Vendido por: Jo Yardley

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Esse item será entregue diretamente a você ou a um amigo do Second Life, desempacotado e pronto para o uso. Não são necessários terrenos ou sandboxes.

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0 Resenhas
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  • Licenciado para o usuário
Re-entrega automática
Mesh: 100% Mesh
Impacto no terreno: 3