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CnK: Personal Cat Tower 2020 (Boxed)

CnK: Personal Cat Tower 2020 (Boxed)
CnK: Personal Cat Tower 2020 (Boxed)
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This is an actual cat tree/tower, on it there are 6 static (non-moving) cats and kittens!!

**Great for any cat lover you know**

Even has a resizing option to make it very small or very big to fit exactly where you want to put it.

And since the cats don't actually move, it alleviates the need of any food or cleaning of cat boxes... (oh I wish I had one of these in rl - lol)

L$ 199

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Cats n' Kittens Boutique (CnK)
Cats n' Kittens Boutique (CnK)
Vendido por: KaliOfCats Mysterious

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Esse item requer que você encontre um lugar no Second Life (como uma sandbox) para desempacotá-lo e usá-lo.

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