G Geral

LMD_ComfyRusticBed - Blue Gingham *RezMe* Versão Blue Gingham

LMD_ComfyRusticBed - Blue Gingham *RezMe*

1 x Comfy, Rustic styled bed in Blue Gingham. AVsitter 2.2 enabled with 58 animations and 22 props organised into 3 categories (Rest, Awake & Activities) with 3 gender sub-menus (feminine, masculine & neutral). Copy/Modify 9 LI.

Looking for a bed which has actual bed like functions such as sleeping? Then look no further friend. Introducing the sleepomatic, wonderific, cosy as heckings Rustic Bed in cool Blue Gingham.

This rustic cosy bed has room for two and has lots of sleeping, sitting, slouching, snoozing and general relaxed animations. Activities include breakfast in bed, coffee, patting cute cat, snuggling teddy bear, gaming, reading and more!

As with everything I have made so far this is so family friendly, your pixel granny would find no issues with it. Good snuggling and cosiness, in abundance!

Due to Second Life restrictions, this will show up as copy only in your inventory. Rez in-world to see the correct permissions.

You can edit this, but doing so might offset animations. Do not unlink this, or link anything to this as it can make the scripts break. Edit with care!

This is part of my Rustic Range and is included with my fully-furnished Cosy Cottage Skybox.

Enjoy and don't forget to leave a review.

Visit my store in-world for demos, previews and special offers.

  • Cosy, Rustic Styled Mesh Bed (room for 2)
  • AVsitter 2.2 with 58 animations & 22 props
  • Three Menu Categories (Rest, Awake & Activites) with 3 gender sub-menus
  • 9 Land Impact
  • Copy/Modify