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Converted Victorian Studio Apartment Skybox

Converted Victorian Studio Apartment Skybox
Converted Victorian Studio Apartment Skybox
0 Resenhas

They converted an old Victorian mansion, and you were lucky enough to score the former parlor as a studio apartment. With a grand total of 6 LI, you can furnish it in style. This 20 X 20 footprint studio apartment skybox screams to be decorated, screw the management's no nail policy. It features 2 non functioning doors (it's a skybox, pretend they go somewhere), and a window wall covered in period stained glass that is NOT TRANSPARENT. Seriously low LI, this place is just waiting for you fill it up with all your lovely things.

Skybox - 6 LI

The Skybox itself is mod/copy. Comes complete with instructions on how to successfully get it into the sky and rezzed.

Please contact me inworld with any product problem and I will gladly help you.

Accents Design has been providing low prim, low cost builds since 2009. I also provide land and interior design to help you beautify your home, from small parcel to full sim. Personal shopping services also available.

Cynianne Hellershanks
Accents Design

L$ 199

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Accents Design
Vendido por: Cynianne Hellershanks

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Mesh: 100% Mesh
Impacto no terreno: 6