Crazy Pastry Designs The Tilly - Merlot Cloche Hat & Hair

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This 1920s authentically styled wool cloche hat is named after the infamous Tilly Devine who was an organised crime entrepreneur in Sydney, Australia in the 1920's and 1930's.

The hat features a peacock feather, fur puff, silver and pearl medallion and is encircled with a contrasting twisted cord. A short bobbed hairstyle is attached to the hat and comes in brunette, blonde, black and redhead. Also included is the hat without attached hair so that you may use your own existing hairstyle (some editing of your hair may be required).

Includes :
Cloche hat with brunette bob
Cloche hat with blonde bob
Cloche hat with black bob
Cloche hat with redhead bob
Cloche hat without hair

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Crazy Pastry Designs
Crazy Pastry Designs
Vendido por: Khookie Loon

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