Cyber Queen - Rebirth - [DEMO]
Womens ebm cyber long hair.
Each color set include 5 base colors and 50 colors for strands of hair, 75 textures for tubes and other decorative parts. HUD system with HSV palette and RGB indicator for perfect tone correction. You can add glow and shine effects. Buying a full pack you save 50% of price.
IT'S FITTED MESH - change position of hair on head impossible, change of size and stretch possible only with use sliders which change your body shape.
A&Y Bunker CyberShop.
please can u send me modify version?
I am furry I really need modify hair I love it just need get of side strands :(
nice but
It is a nice hair design but the hud to change color is confusing and needs an update because it does not work, I am disappointed I hope you update it and I will buy it there
L$ 0
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