Thank you for your interest in our product. This notecard contains information pertaining the MTG Tactical Ballistic Belt such as features and instructions for the correct operation of your item.
Background: The Modular Integrated Communications Helmet (MICH), also known as the Advanced Combat Helmet (ACH), was developed by the United States Army Soldier Systems Center to be the next generation of protective combat helmets for use by the United States Army and it is now highly popular among many other NATO alligned armies and special units from many other countries.
- Made with sculpties for maximum detail and reduce prim count.
- Faithful replica of it's real life counterpart.
- Scripted Menu interface for changing helmet looks and attachments.
- Helmet attachments: Night vision, Strobe and goggles.
1.- Features.
In the box of the product, we have added 3 different sizes of the vest (S,M,L), which most likely will fit most avatars; but keeping in mind the diversity of shapes, the perms are set as mod/copy/no trans perms, which will allow you to modify and backup your copies of the gear, with the modifications you may issue to it to fit your shape or customize it.
2.- Instructions.
a).- Unpack your product from the box by rezzing it on the ground, once it has appeared, click it to obtain the items in it. They should now be in your inventory.
b).- (we recommend the use of a pose stand for this part) Right click the desired vest size and select wear from the menu.
c).- The helmet, being a sculpty, will most likely have to load a bit for it to show, "spheres" will appear all over the place where the plate carrier should be, this is normal with sculpties; after a moment or so they will load correctly, finally showing the helmet true form, ( the "sphere" phase will mostly happend on areas in which the bandwith is low or there is a lot of connection lag; Prims had the very same problem, with them not showing correctly in most of this areas as well).
3.- Helmet menu and attachments.
a).- click on any part of the helmet for the menu of helmet customization to appear.
b).- Once the blue menu appears, you will notice 3 buttons, each one of them will be further described below this line:
Reset: As the name implies, this function will reset the helmet to it's primary state in which no attachments will be on it. Use this button when problems ocurr with the attachments or when exitin a Script disabled area.
Mount on: This button controls the Night vision and strobe attachment. When mount is on, you are able to attach them to the helmet. Once you click this button there will be 5 options:
-Reset: Read above.
-Mount off: detaches the night vision mounting.
-NVG: Goes to Nighvtision tool menu.
-NV on/off/up/down: Changes the position of the NV goggle either rising it on top of your helmet or down to your eye.
-Strobe: This attachment is a stroboscopic source of light, that is mounted on the NVG mount, on the back of the helmet. This device (when on) will emit a timed flash, useful for funding your comrades on Night assaults. ( be sure to deactivate it when infiltrating enemy camps!)
Goggles: Activates the goggle attachment. After selecting this optiong you must press " Goggles on" for the attachment to appear on top of your helmet.
UP/OFF: Changes the position of the attachment to either on your helmet or down to your face.
Strobe: This attachment is a light source that is mounted on the NVG rail, behind your helmet. This device will emit a timed flash, useful for finding your comrades on Night assaults. ( be sure to deactivate it when infiltrating enemy camps!)
Strobe on/off: Enables the attachment on the rear part of your helmet.
Flash on/off: Activates the flashing light source of the strobe.
Kamil Noel- Model and textures.
Leander Hirons- scripts.
Leon Makarov- Overall support.
Contact information
If you have any questions about this or any other MTG product, please contact our support group ( which is free to join) simply type on your search tab: MTG customers group; or contact us directly by Instant message.
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