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DLS Bladder 2.0 - Toilet Plunger (Blue)

DLS Bladder 2.0 - Toilet Plunger (Blue)
DLS Bladder 2.0 - Toilet Plunger (Blue)
0 Resenhas

This Item Offers Bladder Points towards our Digital Living System Hud.

Rezz Item.
Wear Hud.

Item will fill the hud meter for Bladder, and is only 2 prim.

Digital Living System is a fun, interactive, and progressive living system that allows you to enjoy a social life with friends, go out and enjoy a lunch or dinner with friends, grab a quick spa day to ensure your energy is up, or grab a quick sit with a game to entertain yourself. With the use of an interactive hud system you can bring your life!

Try DLS today and give your SecondLife that extra 'something special'
Read more about the system on our website

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Digital Living System
Digital Living System
Vendido por: DLSBot

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