Deep Space 2380 Crew Uniforms Versão 1.0

Detalhes Destaques Conteúdo 1 Resenhas


The Deep Space 2380 Crew Uniform brings you a USS Cerritos styled outfit to your group's RP.

Your purchase contains 2 copies of the Group Affiliate Vendor; each vendor will allow you to offer free Starfleet Crew Uniforms to your group, plus a few addons.

Each outfit contains a male and female version, boxed separately, a color changing HUD (Red, Blue, Teal, Green and Yellow) and a handful of unscripted combadges.

The vendors you get are no-copy, if you need more please free to contact me via IM or notecard.



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Amazing 2380 Star Trek Uniforms!
full star full star full star full star full star Postado(s) 02/07/2024 por Sereen Saunders

These uniforms are incredible. I have purchased these and the Dress Uniforms 2380 to use in my new Sim here in Second Life USS Nautilus. I consider these to be the best ones available right now. You get not only the uniforms shown but extras too.

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Herbit Creations, Inc
Vendido por: SirJedHerbit

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