Discord Designs - Atlas - Light Essentials

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Atlas, a style that first appeared at Fashion For Life 2012, is a set of long tied back rigged mesh braids that fall to the lower back on most avatars.

The pack includes tattoo layer hairbases (in relevant matching colors). The style itself comes in one size

It tends to be a better fit on thinner / less muscular avatars so while it is inherently Unisex, it has a tendency to sit better on female avatars.

Guys - feel free to try it but please TRY THE DEMOS FIRST. The issue that arises on larger avatars is that the hair can begin to cut into the back and the shoulders as torso muscle values increase.

Demos feature a watermark while final versions do not. All colors are available inworld at the main store, while only a limited range of colors (the most popular) are available on Marketplace


  • Long mesh braids
  • braided ponytail
  • tattoo hairbase



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Versão demo
Discord Designs
Discord Designs
Vendido por: Kallisti Burns

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Mesh: 100% Mesh