Discord Designs - Bakerboy Hat

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The -dDx- Bakerboy hat is something of a departure for me - seeing as it isn't hair... but I had to make it really.

It is scripted to texture-change into one of nine preset patterns (four camouflage prints, a vintage floral pattern, two tartans, black denim and olive drab twill), with two strap color configurations (black leather and white canvas)

It falls somewhere between a traditional bakerboy, military cap and a baseball cap; as such it is unisex, works well in many situations and adds a little frisson to any number of outfits.

Note - permissions on the full version of this cap are +copy, +modify for the prims, and +copy only for the script. As such; it is recommended that you wear it to modify prims, or rez to ground to change any names of the item.



  • Touch operated scripted texture changing
  • 9 hat textures
  • 2 strap textures
  • Prims modifiable / tintable

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Particularly,i like the shape and structure.

Postado(s) 10/02/2012 por Nilssen 4 estrelas

Very good mesh cap that universality,almost i wearing everyday.
i wondering IF the price is 150 Linden dollar,would be great.
but i have satisfied anyway:-)

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Discord Designs
Discord Designs
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Vendido por: Kallisti Burns
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  • 4 estrelas 1 Resenhas

  • Autorizações:
    Copiar Modificar Transferir Licenciado para o usuário
    Consulte os detalhes do produto para obter as informações de permissão
  • Re-entrega automática
  • Impacto no terreno: 10