Japanese Stone Lantern - Type Small - HUPD0

Detalhes Destaques Conteúdo 7 Resenhas


This Beautiful Japanese Stone Lantern with switchable light and rays is a treat for the eye. This Japanese Stone Lantern is part of a new range of Japanese styled building elements. All elements are textured with high detail in mind. If you like to see all elements put together in a lovely surrounding, please visit our 'Hosoi Ichiba'. If you plan to build your own palace, village, market place or sim this is the product for you. Click the lantern to toggle light and lightrays.

Making a Japanese Zen garden in your yard is not as difficult as you might think. Keeping in mind a few basic principles of design and picking the right plants will allow you to have a peaceful spot for meditation or just looking at the beautiful scenery. Stone lanterns are often placed beside some of the most prominent water basins (either a pond or a stream) in a garden.

Primcount: 11

Footprint: 1 x 1 mtr.

Permissions: Transfer

hosoiichiba gardenoutdoors



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Hosoi Ichiba, Japanese Furniture, Buildings & Lifestyle
Hosoi Ichiba, Japanese Furniture, Buildings & Lifestyle
Vendido por: Amiryu Hosoi

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Impacto no terreno: 11