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Dotty's Secret - Opulence - Eyeshadow Pack #2

Dotty's Secret - Opulence - Eyeshadow Pack #2

==| Information about this product |==
The Opulence make-up is part of Dotty's Secret fishy line. Inspired by the gorgeous Miss Fame, this make-up is a classy, glittery, smoky eye, perfect for editorial and ballroom looks.

This pack includes the following :
[include Catwa & Omega appliers]
- 6 Eyeshadow colour variation.
- 2 Brows style ( normal & arched ) in 2 colour.
- Brows only / Eyeshadow only option.
- Basic mesh lashes

Read about it on the website : https://dottyssecret.weebly.com/opulenceeyeshadow2.html

Lipstick is sold separately. The Opulence Collection Fatpack is also available (full credit in the notecard & on the website)

All our makeup packs include a notecard that contain important information regarding the optimal use of the product. We recommend to carefully read this notecard.
You can also find these info included in the demo or on the website product's page linked above.
Please, always try the demo before purchasing.

==| Permissions |==
Make-up layers comes in ☑ copy | ☒ no mod | ☒ no trans
The mesh lashes comes in ☑ copy | ☑ mod | ☒ no trans

==| F-A-Q |==
Please visit : https://dottyssecret.weebly.com/faqs.html

WEBSITE : https://dottyssecret.weebly.com
FACEBOOK : https://www.facebook.com/dottyssecret
INSTAGRAM : https://www.instagram.com/dottyssecretsl
FLICKR : https://www.flickr.com/photos/dottysecret/
MARKETPLACE : https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/49697
LANDMARK : http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Baedal/177/15/3001

Thank you for shopping at Dotty's Secret !

  • Catwa and Omega Appliers
  • Tattoo layer for classic avatar
  • 6 Eyeshadow Colour
  • 2 brows colour and style
  • Basic Mesh Lashes