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Dreaming Thicket - Veiled Promise Hair - Fatpack

Dreaming Thicket - Veiled Promise Hair - Fatpack
Dreaming Thicket - Veiled Promise Hair - Fatpack
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Please Note: This package includes the hair colors shown on the right hand of the image, and *not* necessarily the one the model is wearing!

This is a hair/scarf combo made from rigged mesh. It comes with a color HUD that has the 20 hair colors shown (85 in the fatpack) as well as 10 different textures for the scarf (try the demo to see the scarf colors!).

There are 5 sizes included that have attached rigged hair, and 5 sizes with unrigged hair that can be adjusted to fit different heads. There is also an alpha layer for the head included.

The hair is not a full style, just the front part for under the veil, so it can't be worn alone.

L$ 999

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Versão demo
Dreaming Thicket
Dreaming Thicket
Vendido por: Hope Fairelander

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Mesh: 100% Mesh