Drow Translatascan Language Translator
Drow Translatascan
The only authentic English-to-Drow language translator for Second Life.
Copyright (C) 2006-2024 Aleena Yoshiro
Based on linguistic databases provided by the Grey Company (http://www.grey-company.org) and the Chosen of Eilistraee (http://www.eilistraee.com).
This is the final version of the Drow Translatascan tool by Aleena Yoshiro. You are free to share it with others. The Drow Translatascan dictionary covers most English words but does not account for spelling errors. If the tool encounters an unrecognized word, it will be algorithmically converted to a drow-flavoured word. To request new authentic words be added, please drop Aleena Yoshiro a notecard, or submit a pull request on Github.
The Drow Translatascan is an invisible object. Simply wear it to activate.
Script-based Configuration:
The most direct way to customize the Translatascan is by editing the script. Instructions and comments within the script will guide you.
Object Description Configuration:
To set listen channels, modify the description field of the object. For example, setting the description to "5:6:7" configures the tool to listen on channels 5, 6, and 7 for the following modes, respectively:
Channel 5: English to Drow
Channel 6: Drow to English
Channel 7: Out-of-character (OOC) mode.
Once you've updated the description re-attach the prim to apply your changes.
Additional Features:
Name Masquerade:
If your Drow name differs from your Second Life (SL) character name, you can use the Name Masquerade feature. This option requires manual configuration within the script. Check the script comments for instructions.
Privacy Notice:
The Drow Translatascan transmits any text sent to it to a third-party server for translation. No text content is logged or stored during this process. The data is processed solely for translation and is not retained by the server.
Enjoy the authentic Drow translation experience!
- English to Drow translation
- Drow to English translation
- Drow roleplay support
empty! there is nothing ! waste of time !
empty! there is nothing ! waste of time !
L$ 0
Usar agora
Esse item será entregue diretamente a você ou a um amigo do Second Life, desempacotado e pronto para o uso. Não são necessários terrenos ou sandboxes.
Este item contém itens de vestuário para seu avatar.
Mais informações
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