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Druid Avatar

Druid Avatar
Druid Avatar
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..:Rune Magic:..

Complete Druid Avatar.

Fantasy Avatar for Fantasy Roleplay.
Comes with:

Skin & Shape (no modify)

Druid Hair (with Bearclaw Applications.Apps are linked with the Hairs! So no wearin separately)

High detailed Armor Cloak with Bearclaw and Dagger Applications
(one with Hood one without Hood)


Custom Eyes

Glowing Eyeprims

Druid Kilt (with Bearclaw Applications)

Wristguards (with Bearclaw and Blade Applications)


Check out Rune Magic's Fantasy Mainstore.

Fantasy Roleplay Outfits and Avatars,
fantasy skins, elf ears, fantasy jewels, complete avatars, shape, skin, cyber, elf, prim eyes, eyes, creature,

vampire, goth, freebies,dark elf,drow,magic,mystic,armors and many other Roleplay and Fantasy Stuff!!

All Items are made with great attention to detail.

Fantasy Roleplay Outfits and Avatars,
fantasy skins, elf ears, fantasy jewels, complete avatars, shape, skin, cyber, elf, prim eyes, eyes, creature,


Fantasy Roleplay Outfits and Avatars,
fantasy skins, elf ears, fantasy jewels, complete avatars, shape, skin, cyber, elf, prim eyes, eyes, creature,

Veja o item no Second Life

L$ 399

Adicionando ao carrinho como presente


Vendido por: Afu Rajal

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Esse item será entregue diretamente a você ou a um amigo do Second Life, desempacotado e pronto para o uso. Não são necessários terrenos ou sandboxes.

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