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Empathy Belly

Empathy Belly
Empathy Belly
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This vest and weights are designed to simulate pregnancy. It can be used for sex education (preventing teen pregnancy by giving them a taste of what they're in for), or to allow an expectant father to feel what it's like. Or just for a laugh, for that matter.

This may be one of the more "meta" projects I've done...instead of pretending a character is pregnant, it's the character pretending they're pregnant. I built this on a whim after buying another one. Not being entirely happy with the way it was designed, I decided to make my own. Since I didn't have anything else to do with the set, I thought I'd share it with everyone.

No animations, no scripting, just a vest and some virtual beanbags. The prim breast forms and belly can be resized to fit any avatar, or to simulate earlier or later pregnancy. The box includes both blue and tan versions.

L$ 50

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Mercy Medical, Pharmacy, and Equipment
Mercy Medical, Pharmacy, and Equipment
Vendido por: ElizaJane Waechter

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