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Mesh Hair
Content include:
-HUD (30 colors for hair).
-Resize Script
*Try the DEMO before you buy!!*
* Size mesh allows you to change the location on the avatar, as well as change the size of the hair.
If you have any difficulties or questions, contact me in the world - Meef
I hope you enjoy the product.
Looks good advertised but hair is a no go
the advertisement looks good but when i put it on my avatar looks very badly made.
Quality issues
Looks very good up close, but the LOD is butchered which means that a short ways out it doesn't look good at all. More like those radiation cuts in Fallout 4.
Very nice
Love the style and color of this hair. Can confirm, it does have some LOD issues. But I don't consider that a reason to dock it more than one star.
one of the best hairs for a woman seeking short hair
i recommend.
Metioned defect i could not see so far.
This hair has a glaring defect where at mid distance all the detail in the hair vanishes. The hair looks great close up but a mid range view shows distortion and lack of detail and the Creator has no interest or is unable to fix the problem. To see in SL just drop me an IM and I'll show you the problem.
Wonderful work here
I am very impressed by this hair. Great price and good work all round. One of my favourite hairs for men in SL.