FC - Black angel Wings men's necklace (PROMO 99 LINDEN) With resizer script
Men's rope necklace with beads of silver and onix with black silver wings pendant. It has a resizer script inside.
All my jewelry are transfer, so they can be given as gift.
For the next 15 days this creation will have this discounted price and very profitable After that it will return in full force on its price.
Pentacle, YinYang, Peace, Earrings, Pearls, Friendship Bracelet, Chakra Jewelry. Pentagram, Gothic, Hippie Jewelry, Abalone, Moonstone, Jade, Pearl, Turquoise, Red, Blue, Onyx, Citrine. Rose Quartz, Amethyst, Bloodstone, Chrysocolla, Obsidian, Carnelian, Silver, Gold, Star, Moon, Heart, Men, Gift, Leather, Casual, Guitar, Resizer, Color glass.
L$ 99
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