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[FITB] Tiger Pony Pink

[FITB] Tiger Pony Pink
[FITB] Tiger Pony Pink
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This is a BOM skin for the Open Pony avatar! This will only work with the Open Pony avatar and will not appear as intended on other avatars.

Also includes applier for basic Open Pony avatar and included parts!

This skin includes support for both the base wings and horn as well as the bat pony kit AND the HMart Dragon Tail (

~See included notecard for BOM settings for additional pieces such as wings/tails~


Can't see your skin when you have it added?

Make sure your pony avatar is updated to the newested release.

Make sure you have BOM enabled on your pony via the customization hud.

Make sure your body hiding alphas are off.

In the Customization hud set your ponys color to pure white.

If you tint your BOM enabled pony using the hud then the hud will color ALL the BOM layers you are wearing with that color, so you should be setting your pony color to white and tinting your body via the BOM layers that come with the avatar.

Make sure your BOM skin layer is layered ABOVE the base layer otherwise it will be covered up by the base layer.


L$ 100

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Fox in the Box Designs
Fox in the Box Designs
Vendido por: Saviilia Koskinen

Usar agora

Esse item será entregue diretamente a você ou a um amigo do Second Life, desempacotado e pronto para o uso. Não são necessários terrenos ou sandboxes.

Este item contém itens de vestuário para seu avatar.

Funcionam com avatares em mesh
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